Applying for Funding

There are two grant programs to support assessment activities on campus: The "Assessment Grant" and the "Instructional Improvement Program Grant".

The Assessment Grant

Provides funds to departments to implement a programmatic assessment plan and is funded by the Executive Vice Chancellor (EVC).  A program can apply for this grant at any time and can request up to $5,000 per quarter to support assessment activities (e.g., paying graduate students to score student work samples, offering incentives for student participation in assessment interviews or surveys, providing training/materials for assessors). In order to apply, a program must submit their Council on Assessment (CoA) approved PLO assessment plan and a proposed budget form.  These two documents must be emailed to Josh Kuntzman, Assessment Coordinator, who will route the application to the CoA for review.

Assessment Grant Budget Form

The Instructional Improvement Program Grant

Provides funds for curriculum improvement and is funded by Instructional Development.

Instructional Improvement Program Grant